In This Section
There are three options available for lunch at school:
- Packed lunch from home
- Hot meal provided by our supplier, Love Food
- Packed lunch provided by our supplier, Love Food
School Meals
Universal Infant Free School Meals are currently available for all children in EYFS & Key Stage 1 (Reception, Years 1 and 2). Love Food offer lunches for children in Key Stage 2 for a small cost.
If you believe your child may be eligible for Free School Meals (Years 3-6), please apply through the Local Authority by clicking here. If you’re unsure, fill out the form anyway.
To order a lunch from Love Food, you will need to order directly from them via You will need a login to do so. If you have not been supplied with a login or have difficulty ordering, please contact the school office who will be happy to help.
Love Food, who have been our provider since September 2016 are delighted to announce that they achieved their GOLD award in April 2018.
Packed Lunch from Home
We hope that with your help, we can encourage the children to develop healthy eating habits that become a normal part of everyday life. By keeping high calorie snacks to a minimum and establishing healthy eating habits early on, improvements can be made for a child’s quality of life both in the short and long term. There is an expectation that the contents of your child’s lunch box will be as healthy as possible. We often talk to the children about healthy options and the reasons why it is important to eat healthily. We would like your support to make this a reality at lunchtime.
Please do not put fizzy drinks or sweets in your child’s lunchbox as these are not acceptable.
We also politely request that parents DO NOT provide children peanut butter or nut related products in their lunchboxes as we do have children who attend our school that are allergic to these products.
The NHS provide some handy recipes, lunchbox ideas and healthy snacks for families.
Lunchbox ideas and recipes – Healthier Families - NHS
Healthier snacks - Food facts - Healthier Families - NHS
Recipes - Healthier Families - NHS
Food waste and recycling
At Henry Chichele, we ensure to separate our waste into general waste, recycling and food waste. The appropriate bins are provided and signposted in the lunch halls, playground and classrooms to support children in taking ownership of their own waste management.