

Our Aim

At Henry Chichele Primary School (HCPS), all children receive regular weekly curriculum music lessons.

The teaching of music is further enhanced through external support through the Northamptonshire Music and Arts Trust (NMPAT).

The teaching of music is delivered through activities that integrate musical learning into the school day to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum offer for our pupils. Musical learning includes performance, composition and aural based activities, targeting key musical elements throughout the academic year, and giving children the freedom to express themselves creatively, whilst developing knowledge and skills using instruments and voices. We also have a weekly singing assembly to further consolidate their learning.

Through the teaching of music we provide our pupils with the opportunity to play and learn a range of musical instruments. Supported through our music teacher and other external service providers (such as NMPAT and RockSteady), we also offer continuation lessons for those children wanting to continue to learn to play an instrument.

At HCPS, we use The Charanga Musical School Scheme to support the delivery of music through our curriculum. This scheme supports all the requirements of the national curriculum and enables the children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills.

Each unit comprises of the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music.

1. Listening and Appraising

2. Musical Activities

  • a. Warm-up Games
  • b. Optional Flexible Games
  • c. Singing
  • d. Playing instruments
  • e. Improvisation
  • f. Composition

3. Performing

The HC Way

Please open the following file for an overview of our curriculum for Music.

Model Music Curriculum Mapping

Would like to know more?

Please contact our Music Lead, Miss Diver, through our school office or by using the contact form.

Rocksteady deliver inclusive band lessons designed to amplify children’s self-belief, support wellbeing and help maximise their potential back in the classroom.

These sessions occur during school hours.

Please find further information via their website:

Home - Rocksteady Music School