In This Section
The Role of the School Governors
School governors are drawn from the local community and parents to work with the school, especially the Headteacher and Senior Management Team, to drive the strategic development of the school with the intention of raising standards of achievement.
Governors provide oversight and accountability, but they do not get involved in the day to day running of the school. They are essentially ‘critical friends.’
Their role includes agreeing policies that set out how the school is managed, holding the Headteacher to account for the education and achievement of the pupils and the performance management of the staff, and substantiating the vision and values of the school.
The Full Governing Board is set up into two separate committees to help meet its objectives: a Finance and Resources committee and a Curriculum and Standards committee.
The Finance and Resources committee ensure that the school’s budget is being spent in the most effective way, linked to the School Development Plan. The committee monitor expenditure and income, ensuring the budget is well spent, and are involved with the revision of the spending if it is not in line with the budget. This committee is chaired by Mrs Denise Keating.
The remit of the Curriculum and Standards committee is to ensure the school’s curriculum is broad and balanced to ensure standards for all pupils continually improve. This includes oversight of the National Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Policy and data outcomes of the pupils. This committee is chaired by Mr Richard Downs.
The Governing Board also includes link governors. These governors are responsible for providing insight to the governing board about an area of the school, e.g. safeguarding, SEND, wellbeing etc. They organise visits to the school, with a clear focus on their particular area. This includes meeting with the specific lead in school to gain a deeper understanding of the work undertaken and any support, challenge or decision/s that have been made.
The Governing Board
The Governing Board was re-constituted 23rd November 2020 and now comprises of 13 governors: -
- The Headteacher
- 3 Elected Parent Governors
- 1 Staff Governor
- 1 Local Authority Governor
- 7 other Co-opted Governors
Completed governor declaration forms are held in school for all members.
Associate governors do not have voting rights.
The Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year and the Governor Details are updated after this had happened. The current Governing Board, their term of office and attendance can be found by clicking below:
HCPS Website - Governor Details 2023-2024
The Chair of the Governing Board is Mr Greg Essex-Lopresti.
The Vice Chairs of the governing board are Mr Andrew Sears and Mr David Farmer.