In This Section
Our Values (The 5 Rs)
We believe that the following "5Rs" are the important values we all need in order to be successful and respectful members of society.
We use resilience to help us to keep trying and never give up; set targets and practise; have a positive attitude; and to bounce back from setbacks. We use resilience when we are taking responsibility for our own actions.
We use reflection when we listen to different opinions. When we reflect, we learn from our mistakes and respond maturely to advice and feedback from staff and strive to improve in all that we do.
We are resourceful because we learn in different ways; use imagination; look at other options; ask questions when we are not sure and make links between our different pieces of knowledge.
We are risk takers because we give all learning a try and push ourselves out of our comfort zone. We are not afraid to say when we are wrong.
Positive relationships with others are essential to happiness. We are social beings! We use our relations to work effectively as part of a team, be a good listener and show empathy.